Friday after work my housemates were invited to our landlord's family lake house. This was a place that reminded us so much of all of East Tennessee's glory. The drive was pleasant and the trees and rolling hills were lush green. We drove passed calm rivers and dramatic hillsides. After only half an hour of driving, we arrived at this wooden barn-like lake house.
We sat down for a delicious potluck dinner before heading out to the lake. Prior to coming here, our friend said told that Norris Lake was the second cleanest lake in North America, but someone else would contest that statement because she has seen many much cleaner lakes in other parts of the US. I did a quick google search and in that quick search I did not find an authoritative source on the cleanest lake in America. There are many metrics for measuring the cleanest lake, such as visibility, bacteria, man-made pollution, etc. Even if someone conducted a systematic study, there are subjective ways for weighing the different factors against one another. However, when you search "Norris Lake" and "cleanest lake in America", those who spoke of Norris Lake would claim that Norris Lake was one of the cleanest lakes. The point is that Norris Lake is pretty clean. Norris Lake is connected to Norris Dam and so the water levels fluctuate quite a bit, during the winter months, this area looks like the moon's surface because all of the water is drained away. Parts of this lake are very deep, so when you swim, you don't touch the bottom and touch whatever floats in the water.
To me, East Tennessee can be represented by water. The water is such a big part of East Tennesseans' lives in the summer. When I first came here three years ago, I bought a pair of water shoes for $10 to wear while tubing. It was a worthwhile investment because the water levels that year were extremely high and the currents were faster than usual. As a result, those who wore their flip flops tubing lost them. Which was minor compared to the bruises, scratches and scraped body parts many of us suffered. In any case, in these three years, the only time I've ever worn those water shoes were in East Tennessee. These shoes will not be following me to Australia because they smell really, really bad. :P Hahhaha
There's me with my flotation device and swimming like an otter! :P This is also my first picture of myself on this site! |
We went to visit the host's friends who were camping on the lake. Their tent was perched right on the shores. I can't wait to acquire a tent because many campsites are located on the best location and it's such a magnificent way of stay on prime real estate without paying a high dollar. We drove back in the dark and watched a lighting storm take place to the north of us. There was a flash of lightning every 10 seconds but we were pretty far away and so it stayed perfectly dry. The periodic flash of light was very much like a mini fireworks show. I wish I could have captured it on camera, but it was far too quick for me. What a beautiful evening. What a beautiful part of the country. I am so grateful that my first post after graduation was in the beautiful East Tennessee. Sometime I'll post pictures of fall in Tennessee, you will fall in love.

You are so cute as a little otter! And that gazebo is adorable. I wanna visit now!